European Standard EN 1063 Security Glazing

ClassType of WeaponCaliberTypeWeight (g)Test Range (m)Bullet Velocity (m/s)Number of ShotsStriking Distance (mm)
BR1Rifle.22 LRLead Round Nose2.6± 0.110± 0.5360± 103120± 10
BR2Hand Gun9mm LugerFull Steel Jacket Round Nose Soft Core (Lead)8.0± 0.15.0± 0.5400± 103120± 10


Hand Gun
.357 MagnumFull Steel Jacket Coned Bullet Soft Core (Lead)
10.2± 0.1

5.0± 0.5

430± 10


120± 10
BR4Hand Gun.44 Rem. MagnumFull Copper Alloy Jacket Flat Nose Bullet Soft Core (Lead)15.6± 0.15.0± 0.5440± 103120± 10


5.56 x 45 Full Copper Alloy Jacket Pointed Bullet Soft core (lead) and Steel Penetrator

4.0± 0.1

10± 0.5

950± 10


120± 10
BR6Rifle7.62 X51Full Steel Jacket Pointed Bullet Soft Core (Lead)9.5± 0.110± 0.5830± 103120± 10


7.62 x 51 Full Copper Alloy Jacket Pointed Bullet Steel Hard Core
9.7± 0.1

10± 0.5

820± 10


120± 10
SG1Shot Guncal. 12/70Solid Lead Slug31± 0.510± 0.5420± 201-
SG2Shot Guncal. 12/70Solid Lead Slug31± 0.510± 0.5420± 203125± 10

NOTE 1: The classes BR1…BR7 are clasiffied in order of the level of protection offered. e.g apanel complying with the requirement specified for a certain class complies with those specified for the preceding classes.
NOTE 2: Classes SG do not necessarily comply with the requirements specified in the classes BR, as the ammunition is different.